Why protection should be the utmost priority during gay sex?

Sex is probably one of the most important basic human needs. It helps to strengthen the bond or fulfill simply the desire of getting pleasure. When it comes down to pleasure, we overlook a very significant part that is using protection. STDs or sexually transmitted diseases such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, HIV are to name a few that can be transmitted by your partner. While most of us know about these disease a big chunk of population in gay community never even heard these names before.

Being a biologist and a gay, I want to add one more on this list of disease. Shigellosis, a disease that has potential to kill if left untreated and it's very infectious. Shigellosis is caused by a bacteria called Shigella sp. which releases a toxin shiga toxin. This toxin is also released by some other bacteria like E.coli. There is no vaccine available till now.

According to a study conducted in Uk, the frequency is more in men who are having unprotected sex with other men. The bacteria follows a anal-oral route. An infected person may suffer severe acute diarrhea and bloody stool.

I know there are a lot of tops who don't use condom or bottoms don't want to use protection. I request you to read this and take things very seriously. As you might have observed it doesn't take too much for a virus or bacteria to kill thousands of people. Please be aware and use protection while having sex.

Let me know your opinion in your comments.

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