One Step Towards Acceptance of Gays in Society

Hi everyone, this is Sam. Thanks to Corona we're going nuts day by day! Social media, News across the globe are reporting increase in the deaths along with rise in the cases of domestic violence. Too much negativity consuming our life, its like corona is sucking up the life from us leaving the empty bodies with deep psychological imbalance.

Brazil’s supreme court minister, Edson Fachin, wrote alongside his vote: ‘The state is restricting solidarity based on prejudice and discrimination.’ Photograph: Eraldo Peres/AP@theguardian

Amidst all this negativity a small news came from some countries where discrimination among the hetero and homosexual has seen a new turn by setting up an example with accepting the blood donated by the members from LGBTQ community.  

Countries like United States, Denmark and Northern Ireland has already lifted the ban on homosexuals that restricted them from donating blood. Recently Brazil has added in the list. Brazilian Supreme court has passed the judgement after 4 years in 2020 and mentioned it against humanity. Notably LGBTQ is accepted and Gay marriage is legal in these countries. This judgement will certainly boost up the confidence in gay community worldwide. 

It seems pretty weird as why these developed nations put such a ban. Right? Well the reason that has been advocated, is a global surge in HIV/AIDS cases in 1980. It was said that a homosexual person can't donate blood if he/she had sex 12 months prior to the donation (Yes, that blew my mind). Italy has lifted this illogical restriction way back. 

Why is it illogical?
 According to standard procedure of blood donation world wide, a series of tests are being conducted before a person donates blood. Any medical history of the donor needs to be recorded for tracking and safety of the donor as well as the recipient. Donors having serious illness or any genetic diseases are generally avoided. HIV/AIDS is an Immuno-compromise disease that increases the risk of fatality as the body is too vulnerable to handle. The intravenous nature transmission of the disease became the backbone leading to such ban. 

Nonetheless this pandemic has shown us a lot. Starting from utter failures of governments to the absolute greed of power, a small effort has certainly made its place in this utter madness and put a smile on our face.

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